Choose to intentionally chase after truthChoose to intentionally chase after truthChoose to aggressively deal with sin daily
Learn to say “no” to sin…because, as Scripture makes very clear, sin is always a choice, (Romans 6) and we are commanded not to just flee sin but to hate sin (John 3:19). We sin because it feels good and we like to feel good...but we all know that sin is a sugar coated poison.
Look for sin by a constant heart examination. We have blind spots. Deal with sin quickly by genuine, godly repentance…not just regret or worldly sorrow. Repentance is change.
But as we run hard after God, never forget that Satan is on the lookout and will tempt us to lose heart and give up and deny the goodness of God in our lowest points (1 Peter 5:8). Work hard to prepare for and fight battles that will come at the weakest moments. When the mind is immersed in truth (#1 above) we prepare for when we need to think right and do right (but often don’t feel like it).