In My Own Shadow
My Silent Cry
"My Silent Cry' screams a message of redemption from oppression, trial to triumph, and mess to message.
I dedicate this book to all hurting women, no matter what you are going through-God is the answer! Psalm 139:14 says, "I will praise you, for I am fearfully ad wonderfully made, marvelous are our works. And that my soul knows very well."
Life is not without its challenges and as I began my journey in blended families within two different marriages, I realized the struggles and pain that families goes through. I also realized how it has a big impact on the lives of everyone involved.This book is about how we see everyone else’s fault except our own; how we see the faults and issues of our mate’s children but never see our own children flaws; how we teach our children to hate just because. When we look at the Bible and the birth of Jesus Christ, we can see the best example of a blended family and the love that Jesus shows for all of mankind is a great example. If it had not been for God and the love of God, we would not have made it this far. Our struggles and issues with blended families is what inspired me to show everyone that it doesn’t have to be this way; that no matter the challenge, we can be an overcomer. As the Holy Spirit began to show me the depth of blended family issues, I knew that I had to reach beyond myself and see what God was saying.
Blended & Blind
The third debut title from Renae boldly attacks the subject of abuse. Many people suffer abuse emotionally, physically, and mentally-every day in silence. Many do not recognize emotional and mental abuse. There is also the subject of financial abuse. Today, women are not only abused but are the abusers. The purpose of the title is to break the generational curse of abuse and free ourselves, as well as our children.
Can You Live With the Scars?
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